As per our privacy policy, Marketplace Events is a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent, or sell any email lists.
The Omaha Holiday Boutique does not print or mail the Vendor Kit. All information can be found in the Vendor Kit and the links below.
Helpful Tips & Links
Vendor Checklist - Click Here
Importnant Vendor Do's & Don'ts - Click Here
Booth FAQ Sheet - Click Here
CHI Health Center Facility Rules & Regulations - Click Here
CHI Health Center Vendor Rules & Regulations - Click Here
Please note that this page is always being updated as new information becomes available.
Additional Questions?
Contact Kelsey Jackson, Show Coordinator
816.601.2701 |
----- NEW Political Merchandise Policy for 2024 -----
As we enter a highly volatile political environment in advance of the 2024 General Election, Marketplace Events (MPE) wants to make clear its position on what content will not be permitted on its exhibit floors in all its US consumer home and holiday shows effective January 1, 2024. MPE shows are welcoming environments built solely to encourage face-to-face commerce. Creating respectful, safe marketplaces where our attendees and exhibitors can come together to learn, shop, compare pricing and do business together is our highest priority.
MPE’s acceptability standards do not permit political candidates, parties or other groups promoting issues or ballot initiatives to participate as exhibitors. In addition, the display or sale of any products or services that are political/partisan in nature or that can be interpreted to promote, incite, or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance are prohibited. MPE’s judgment in applying these standards will be final.
MPE maintains these policies to ensure a welcoming environment for all attendees and exhibitors.
Table of Contents
2.) Girls Night Out
3.) Artisan Vendors
4.) Show Hours
5.) Scam Warning
7.) Parking
8.) Vendor Badges
9.) Show Decorator
10.) Booth Guidelines
11.) Rules & Regulations
12.) Facility Order Form
13.) Food Sampling
14.) Show Insurance
15.) Sales Tax
16.) Show Hotel
17.) How to Set-up Your Vendor Listing
18.) Social Media Tips
19.) Tickets
20.) Contact us
The Holiday Boutique is produced and managed by:
Marketplace Events LLC
2000 Auburn Dr., Ste 200
Beachwood, OH 44122
484.854.9084 |
During move-in, show hours and move-out, Show Management will maintain a show office. The office is located near the main entrance doors between Hall B & C.
Friday, November 14th, 2025 10:00am – 9:00pm
Saturday, November 15th, 2025 9:00am – 7:00pm
Sunday, November 16th, 2025 10:00am – 5:00pm
➢ Do not leave small items, electronics, one-of-a-kind special samples, prototypes, generated leads, or extremely valuable merchandise in your booth overnight.
If you have signed and authorized Marketplace Events to automatically charge your card on your original contract, please make sure funds are available in the proper time frame. If you have any questions regarding payment processes, please contact Kelsey Jackson at or 816.601.2701. Any contracts that are outstanding after the show cycle is completed will automatically be sent to collections and the Vendor will still be responsible to pay off the booth space and will not be allowed to exhibit in any future shows with Marketplace Events.

It is required for all vendors to incorporate holiday decor in your booth.
On November 14th from 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Holiday Boutique turns a unique shopping experience into a party with a special Girls Night Out on Friday - complete with music, entertainment and fabulous door prizes!
You can reach shoppers and gain more exposure at the show by providing a gift certificate from your business.
Girls Night Out submission form- Coming Soon
Deadline is TBD.
Want additional exposure as an Artisan?
Our Artisan designation only cost $60, and you get the following benefits.
- 12”x12” floor decal on the aisle in front of your booth
- Listed as an Artisan on our feature page of the website under “Artisan Vendors” with your logo and booth number.
- Potential for onsite PR (no guaranteed) if requested by media.
Contact your sales consultant for more information.
Deadline is TBD.
Friday | November 14th | 10:00 am - 9:00 pm |
Saturday | November 15th | 9:00 am - 7:00 pm |
Sunday | November 16th | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm |

As per our privacy policy, Marketplace Events is a permission-based email sender. We do not share, rent, or sell any email lists.
There have been a number of spam emails offering our attendee lists. These are scams and the senders are unauthorized to use the Marketplace Events’ name. These scammers are attempting to receive monies from exhibiting companies without providing anything in return. These emails are not approved by Marketplace Events, and Marketplace Events would never ask for bank information or other sensitive information over email.
CLICK HERE for more information.
Move-In Schedule
Each vendor will be assigned a specific date and time to set up their booth. These assignments will be communicated via color-coded map posted below 30 days prior to move-in. Driving into the building, if feasible, is only allowed during your assigned date and time. Hand carry or pushcart move-in is allowed any time during and/or after assigned time.
If a vendor will be using a vehicle as part of their booth space, vehicles Keys MUST be given to Show Management once parked in booth.
Move-in map - Coming Soon
Click here to view move-in rules & procedures
Dismantling of displays is not permitted until 5:01 pm on Sunday, November 16th.
General Move-Out Hours:
Sunday, November 16th: 5:01 pm - 10:00 pm
CHI Health Center Omaha is located at 455 N. 10th Street, within walking distance of the Old Market
Bus parking, RV Parking, Trailers (when applicable) is $25. In/Out Parking is not allowed.
Click here to view further parking information.
Click here to view CHI Health Center parking map.
Click here to view trailer pad parking. This is on a first come first serve basis and is for trailers ONLY.
during show days without a badge.
Each company will be provided an allotment of 5 badges.
Badges can be picked up at the show office during move-in or at Will Call during show days.
Show Decorator | Gilbert Exposition Management Services
Vendors are responsible for flooring (required for all booths.) You may supply your own tables and chairs or rent from the show decorator. An advanced purchase discount is offered & will ensure availability of all needed items.
As an vendor, you will automatically receive an introduction email from GEMS with a Username and Temporary Password.
After you’ve logged on you will be able to order services. Should you have any questions or need to have the introduction e-mail resent, please contact GEMS by phone at 214.388.5722 Ext 1 or e-mail
Discount Deadline is TBD.
Click here to view flooring FAQ sheet
necessary to the proper conduct of the exhibition and, or failure to comply, may order the immediate removal of the entire exhibit without compensation and at the vendor’s expense.
Exhibits must be designed and constructed so they do not obstruct the general view of the show or detractfrom other exhibits. Allsides and surfaces, front and back of exhibits which are exposed to view must be properly finished and decorated by exhibitor at their own expense and to the satisfaction of neighboring vendors and Show Management. No advertising is allowed on the reverse of an exhibit without prior approval by show management.
Certain areas within the facility have ceiling height restrictions. Absolutely no tents of any kind are allowed without show management prior consent. No exhibits will be permitted which interfere with the use of other exhibits orimpede access to the free use of the aisle.
through the building or dismantling of their individual display.
common aisle is subject to being cut and removed.
Click here to view floor covering FAQ sheet
Rules & Regulations
- CHI Health Center Omaha is a smoke-free facility, including but not limited to, electronic cigarettes. Any person who refusesto comply with the policy shall be subjectto ejection from the Facility. Designated outdoor smoking areas are available.
- Except for service animals and animals used as part of a MECA approved exhibit or activity, no animals or pets are permitted in the Facility. Approved animals in the Facility must be on a leash, within a pen, or under similar control.
- Under no circumstances are helium balloons or adhesive-backed decalsto be given away or permitted to be used in the Facility.
- Tabletop Décor – All candlesmust be enclosed in a non-combustible, leak-proof containerthat does not transfer heat. The container must be 3” above the flame.
- Hay bales or othersimilar combustible décor must be sprayed with fire retardant and inspected by the Fire Marshall prior to the building opening to the public.
- The use of glitteris prohibited in the Facility. The use of confetti orstreamers must be approved in advance by MECA.
- Cotton candy machine use is prohibited in the CHI Health Center Omaha Convention Center. Snow cone makers and the use of dry ice shall require a protective floor covering in the working area of these machines and/or products.
- Banners or signage may not be attached, adhered or displayed by other methods to the exterior of the Facility or anywhere on MECA grounds (including parking lot fencing, light poles, etc.) without prior approval from MECA Management.
- All special decorations or signs left in the Facility at the conclusion of an event will be considered refuse. Allspecial decorations orsignsthat a vendor wantsto save must be removed at the conclusion of the event.
- Tape and adhesive-backed materials are not allowed on the Facility’s carpeted surfaces without prior approval by MECA.
- Use of tape on any wallsurface, glass, carpet, or equipment is prohibited (including but it not limited to podiums, staging, tables, and chairs).
- Cars and trucks are not allowed to remain inside the building unless they are deemed as part of an exhibit. Vehicles used as an exhibit must have lessthan ¼ tank or five (5) gallons of fuel in the gas tank. All fuel tanks shall be locked or effectively sealed in accordance with the Omaha Fire Marshal, and at least one battery cable shall be disconnected from the ignition system. Ignition keys for vehicles on display shall be kept by a responsible person atthe display location forremoval ofsuch vehiclesfrom the building in the event of an emergency. Carpeting or Visqueen must be placed underneath the vehicle for any possible leakage.
- No vendor will be permitted on the roof ofthe building forthe purpose of installing aerials or for any other reason.
Click Here to view Fire Rules & Regulations
Electric | Utilities | Internet
To purchase any of these services please visit the CHI Health Center website.
Click here to order electric, utilities & internet
*Wi-Fi is not free at this convention center. The CHI Health Center does require vendors to purchase Wi-Fi in order to access it.
Utility Rules & Regulations - Click Here
Electrical Do's & Don'ts- Click Here
Deadline to receive discounted pricing is TBD.
Food Sampling
Click here to view the CHI Health Center Sampling Guidelines
Click here to view the CHI Health Center Sampling Authorization Form
Click here to view the Douglas County Temporary Food Permit Application
Click here to view the Douglas County Cottage Food Permit Application
Please contact the Douglas County Health Department at (402) 444-7480 with any questions you may have regarding sampling or the application.
Mail Douglas County Food Permit Applications to the following addres:
Marketplace Events c/o Kelsey Jackson
315 W 22nd St., Apt 315
Kansas City, MO 64108
*Vendors who plan on sampling only and not cooking food in their booth will not be required to pay a fee to the Douglas County Health Department but are still required to mail an application to the above address.
Deadline to mail applications is TBD.
Insurance Needs
Our shows have all been set up so vendors can apply using this link: Vendor Insurance Application
A few things to be aware of:
- Vendors will have to pick the show from a drop-down list that includes shows other than just those run by MPE.
- Marketplace Events is not selling this insurance and doesn’t profit from it in any way. This is simply a resource for those vendors who don’t already have the required insurance coverage per their contracts. They do not have to purchase this.
The Insurance clause is #5 on the Terms and Conditions page of all booth space contracts. For easy reference, vendors are required to have:
- Comprehensive General Liability and All Risk Property insurance
- Coverage must be from the start of move in to the end of move out
- Coverage of at least $1,000,000 for each separate occurrence
- Name Marketplace Events LLC and the venue as additional insured
- Provide a copy of certificate of insurance to MPE
Contact Kendra Reilly Monahan, Buttine Underwriters Purchasing Group, LLC
212.867.3642 |
Nebraska Sales Tax Information
special event
Nonresident vendors may obtain a temporary sales form onsite at the show during move-in.
Contact the Department For additional information regarding sales taxes prior to the event please visit the Nebraska Department of Revenue Division of Taxation website.
retail sales, unless the seller receives a properly completed Nebraska Resale or Exempt Sale Certificate, Form 13, from the purchaser. Sellers must remit the tax collected on a Nebraska and Local Sales and Use Tax Return, Form 10.
Hotel Information
We have negotiated discounted rates during the show at the following hotels:
Coming Soon.
Deadline to receive discounted rate is TBD.

Maximize your business’s exposure and attract more customers by upgrading your vendor listing. As a vendor, you have a basic listing live on the website, and now you can Enhance It! This is included in the contracted space cost and is no additional charge.
Within 24 hours, you will receive an automated email providing a link to elevate your listing. This link gives you the flexibility to make updates and changes to your listing as frequently as you like until one day after the show ends. Your listing will stay active for as long as you participate in the show.
If you have any questions regarding the online vendor listing or if you do not receive the email with the link, please email our digital coordinator at
For any assistance with your listing, please consult the FAQ section.
We believe this opportunity will greatly benefit your business and we are excited to assist in maximizing your presence at the show.
Learn more about the benefits of creating your enhanced listing.
Share your show pics or your holiday décor and celebrations with us.
Hashtags: #OmahaHolidayBoutique #HolidayBoutique #HoHoHOmaha
In efforts to protect potential joint customers from fraudulent events and scammers, we request that you do not create your own Facebook Event. This helps us manage ticket sales for the event, and ensures that our team are available to support both exhibitors and potential attendees with any questions, comments, or concerns that they have. Please feel free to reach out to your show manager or show marketing manager with your companies’ Facebook page and we can add you as a co-host to the official event.
Click Here to go to our Facebook Event for 2024.
Click Here for the Social Media Marketing Kit
Click Here to learn about the 4 C's of Social Media
Save & share the photos below!

Each Vendor will receive 20 complimentary paper tickets at check-in during move-in for the show. Please contact Operations Manager, Kelsey Jackson, at with any questions you may have regarding complimentary tickets.
Use your tickets to invite potential customers to the show, or for friends and family. If complimentary tickets or badges are given to visitors, the Vendor responsible will not be allowed to exhibit in future events and may be asked to leave the current show immediately.
Contact us today!
Marc H Gary, Show Manager 816.601.2707
Kathy Estes, Exhibit Sales Consultant (Alpha - #, A - Q) 402-590-5101
Sherri Huffman, Exhibit Sales Consultant (Alpha - R - Z) 816.601.2704
Kelsey Jackson, Operations Manager 816.601.2701